Setting up the mobile menu
On your events, you have the possibility to add a mobile menu (by clicking on the "Mobile navigation" button from the website tab > website content).
The mobile menu appears at the bottom of the screen for any screen whose width is less than 1024px.
The new menu, called "Mobile Menu" will appear in "Navigation".
You will have the possibility to :
- edit it (to make changes)
- delete it
- hide it
- publish it
If you click on the little pencil, to edit it, a pop-up will appear:
To add links behind buttons, click on the "+ Add" button.
You can link your buttons to :
- an inwink page
- a specific URL
- an email address
- a file
- an action
- an anchor
- the possibility to share the event on social networks
Recommendation: Add icons to your buttons for better readability:
In the "Conditions" tab, you can configure the display of these buttons, depending on the conditions applied to them.
You can configure the appearance of this menu, by clicking on the Appearance button.➡️ This is where you can set the background color of your menu and text.
⚠️ For this mobile menu to be visible on your site, remember to publish it by clicking on this icon.