Migration of your domain names

Migration of your domain names

Over the last few months, several technical improvements have been made to inwink to ensure better security for your websites and better deliverability of your emails.

Beware: from the end of September, if you have not updated your DNS configurations, sending emails will be blocked and your sites will no longer be accessible.

It is necessary to check these configurations by audience.


Checking your DNS

You must therefore go to your back office > Audience > Configuration > DNS

And repeat the operation for each of your audiences.

Back-Office > Audience > Configuration > Nom de domaine

Back Office > Audience > Configuration > DNS


Domain name for sending emails

Only one email domain name can be used per audience. However the same email domain name can be shared between multiple audiences.


It is necessary to have a domain name configured for sending emails. If that is not the case, click on the ADD button in the top right corner.

The email address used for sending emails does not need to exist.

If you see an email name in your audience:

· and the icon is green, it means that the DNS configuration has been successfully completed

· the icon is red, it means that the DNS configuration has to be done and/or checked (with the editing pencil, which will open the pop-up below)


Nom de domaine pour envoi d'email

Domain name for sending emails


Root site, event & community domain name

We have set up a new production environment that is even more secure than the existing one, particularly in terms of anti-DDoS protection (third-party attacks).

If for your different DNS domain name configurations concerning your sites (audience, events, community) the icon is orange, this means that you must change the configurations of this domain name.

Each DNS entry is unique and personalised, so it cannot be communicated beforehand; DNS entries are generated when the domain name is added.

Recommendation: copy the urls of your domain names into a file before deleting them


Here are the steps to take for the domain names you wish to migrate:

From your inwink back office > Audience > Configuration > DNS + with your domain name manager

1. Delete the existing domain name from the inwink back office and in your DNS entries in your domain name manager.

Suppression nom de domaine

Deleting a domain name from the inwink back office


The site will still be available for a short period of time despite the deletion. To avoid / limit the service interruption you should add the new entries following the deletion.

It is however recommended that this be done during a period of reduced traffic to your sites.


1. Add your domain name, it will be in configuration for a few minutes

Ajout nom de domaine

Adding the domain name


3. Reload the page and click on the pencil next to the name "DNS" to retrieve the new DNS entries (each DNS entry is personalised for each domain name)


1. Add the 2 entries (CNAME and TXT) required for your domain name configuration

The DNS propagation is of variable duration (from 2 min to 24 hrs). If the DNS entries are correctly filled in, the site will be accessible again at the end of the propagation, without the need to click on "check". This is only a visual check from the back-office and not a technical one.

1. Once the propagation is complete, edit the domain name again and check the CNAME and TXT entries screen

· If it is green => All is well!

· If it is red => Wait a little longer and try again later

Vérification de la propagation DNS

Checking the DNS propagation


The security certificate is added automatically.

Further information : 

- The Certificate Authority used for automatically configured SSL certificates for your domains is now Digicert.
- In case you limit the authorities allowed to generate a certificate for your domains using a CAA DNS record, you will need to add Digicert as well as votredomain.fr. 600 IN CAA 128 issue "digicert.com"