I can't find the created email when I want to send it manually from a grid

When trying to send an email manually from a grid in the back-office, the template is not present in the list displayed.

It is then necessary to check that the email has been created with the right category. 

🚩 You can find the category of your emails in the Emailing > Email templates grid (column "Email category").

The mail will only be present in the grid of the corresponding category.

⚠️ As a reminder, emails related to the categories

  • Participants: are only sent to participants from the participant grid or via a participant trigger
  • Partners: only sent to partners from the partner grid or via a partner trigger
  • Orders: are only sent from the orders grid or via an order trigger
  • Sessions: only sent from the sessions grid or via a session trigger
  • Meetings: are only sent from the meetings grid or via a meetings trigger