How to differentiate between Business Meeting request emails?

Personalize emails sent when a Business Meetings request is made, to differentiate the content sent to the participant and the partner.

When a Business Meetings request is made by a participant or a partner, an identical e-mail is sent to both the sender and the recipient.

It is possible to personalize these e-mails.

1. Create two Business Meetings request email templates

Create two "Meetings/Request for Meetings" email templates
To find out more about how to create an email template, go to this article: Create an email

Ajouter une modèle d'email de type Meetings/Demande de Meeting

  • 1 first email template for Business Meetings requests from a participant: "Business Meetings request from a participant".
  • 1 second email template for Business Meetings requests from a partner: "Business Meetings request from a partner".

Illustration de deux modèles d'emails de demande de Business Meeting dans le back-office inwink

2. Email configuration for Business Meetings request 

In this example, we configure the participant template: "Business Meetings request from a participant".

Add a new section and adapt the textual content of this section to the target participant (the sender)

Ajouter une nouvelle section dans un modèle d'email

Click in the section to display "Modify conditions"Modification des conditions d'une section dans un modèle d'email

  • Target 1: Participant (the sender)
  • Condition : Participant category  = Participant

Ajout d'une condition basée une catégorie de participant

Then do the same on the second section to display "Modify conditions".

Modification des conditions d'une autre section dans un modèle d'email

  • Target 2: Partner (the recipient)
  • Condition: Participant category = Partner

Ajout d'une condition basée une catégorie de participant

For the partner email template: "Business Meetings request from a partner", repeat the above operations, reversing the "sender"/"recipient" targets, i.e. :

  • Target 1: Partner (the sender)
  • Condition: Participant category = Partner


  • Target 2: Participant (the recipient)
  • Condition: Participant category = Participant

3. Setting automatic triggers

Create a first trigger for the participant email: "Business Meetings request from a participant".

Set as conditions:

  • Display if Meeting type equals "Business Meetings"


  • Show if Creation mode equal to "By attendee".

Modification d'un déclencheur d'email

Create a second trigger for the partner email: "Business Meetings request from a partner": 

Set as conditions:

  • Show if Meeting type is equal to "Business Meetings"


  • Show if Creation Mode equals "Exhibitor"


4. Setting up Business Meetings

In the Business Meetings entity configuration section, do not define 

the Email sent to a participant when a meeting is requested

Configuration du module de Business Meeting inwink

This email would replace, by default, the settings made to differentiate between participant and partner.

Finally, make sure there's a sales contact for each meeting space.
After all, it's the sales contacts who receive the emails inviting you to the business meetings. 

For an appointment area :

Modification d'un espace de rendez-vous en back-office

In the partner area :

Configuration d'espaces et de créneaux horaires de rendez-vous sur l'interface partenaire