Home page and audience concept

Home Page

On the homepage you will first find a screen with a black background in which you will have access to :

  • The news
  • The date of validation of your licence
  • The modules activated in your licence (Events and/or Communities)

You will then find the search bar to quickly find an event or a community:


Then you have access to a global view of your Audiences. In this view you have the possibility to create an audience as well as to have the main data of each audience (number of communities, events, contacts and companies for each audience)

Audience concept

An audience is a market segment of participants who are invited to participate in one or more events and/or communities.

This allows for the aggregation of multiple siloed databases to track participant engagement and interaction across different events.

You can create as many audiences as you like. When you create an event within an audience, it will be directly linked to all other events in the audience.
Each event in the audience will also be automatically linked to the same root site (activated or not)

An audience will group together the data of each contact, i.e. each participant registered for one or more events in the audience. Communities attached to the audience. The companies of each contact will also be grouped in the same place.

You also have the possibility to send marketing emails from your contact list. This will allow you to promote new events to your base or to send news.

Once you have created your audience and named it, you have the option to change its name. To do this, go to the configuration tab of your audience > general information > and you can change the name and save your choice.