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Find below the list of terms that are regularly mentioned in inwink:
- The auto check-in module allows the registered participant to print his badge on site or to register on site on the day of the event.
Business Meeting
- The Business Meeting feature allows participants to schedule meetings with partner companies on the day of the event.
- The check-in module allows to have the list of persons registered to the event, and to check the attendees on arrival on site.
- A CMS, Content Management System, is a design and update tool for a website.
- All the data are information filled in the fields whether by a website participant or by the organizer in the Back-End.
Domain name
- The domain name is the website’s URL.
- An entity is a group of things. For inwink, it means participants, sessions, speakers, etc.
- Linked entity
- A linked entity is one that is dependent on another (parent) entity. For example, a room or a speaker attached to a session.
- A field is an information on an entity. Some fields are automatically created in inwink. Furthermore, you can create new fields in order to customize the event.
- A grid allows to display data of an entity in lines and columns (fields).
Group of tickets
- A group of tickets allows the buyer to pay for several tickets defined by the organizer at the same time. The price is also defined by the organizer.
- The matchmaking allows the participants to interconnect, based on the information on their profiles.
- An OS is an Operating System. iOS is Apple’s operating system, Android in Google’s operating system.
- A package is a group of products such as quotas of badges, quotas of business meetings, but also tasks and documents to be assigned to a group of partners.
- Preview is a version of the website that is only accessible for organizers and allows the update of the website, and to check modifications before they are published.
- A product is assigned to a partner, individually, or through a package. A package can be a quota of badges, a quota of business meetings, or tasks and documents.
- Publish is the version of the website opened to every participant, which contains modifications published in preview.
Push notifications
- A push notification is a notification sent from the Back-Office and received by the participant on the mobile app.
Registration status
- The registration status allows to know if a participant is registered, refused or unsubscribed to an event, or if he didn’t precise his attendance to the event.
Root website
- The root website is a website which gathers all the events.
Scan area
- A scan area allows to scan participants at specific areas of the event, beside the reception and the session rooms.
- Scoring system which allows to associate a score between two participants in the networking.
SSL certificate
- A SSL certificate allows to secure the access to the website.
- A template allows to choose the display template of entity data on the website.
- A ticket is bought by the participant on the website or on ticketing. This ticket allows the participant to register to the event.
- The timeline gathers all the actions related to the participant (email sending, website connection, appointment scheduling, etc.).
Tiny URL
- The tiny URL refers to the end of the preview’s URL. By default, preview has the following format: preview.inwink.com/tiny-url.
- In case of a root website, the tiny URL will refer to what follows the root website’s URL: myrootwebsiteurl/tiny-url.
- UTMs are marketing campaigns tracking systems. There are 5 of them: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content.
Web app
- The web app refers to the mobile version of the website.
- The whitelabelling is the action which authorizes inwink to use a domain name in order to send emails as a white-label.