Create and personalized a dashboard

Dashboards management

First dashboard

When you create your event, a dashboard is automatically created.
This dashboard has important indicators to follow your event, depending on module activated.

This dashboard is accessible on the menu My event > Dashboards.

Add a new dashboard

If you want to add a new dashboard, from the menu My event > Dashboards:

  • Click at the top left of the page on the arrow next to Dashbord, then on "Add a new dashboard" 
  • Fill in your dashboard name
  • Shared option
    • If you want this new dashboard to be accessible to all person who has access to your event back office, activate this option by passing it on ON
    • If you want this dashboard to be accessible only by you, leave the option on OFF
  • Click then on SAVE
  • Go on the section Add indicators to personalize your dashboard

Once your new table has been created, the icon allows you to delete it:

Add indicators

Default indicators

These indicators are created by inwink and accessible on all events.
To add an indicator:

  • Click on the Configuration button on the top right of the screen: 

  • Click on Add an indicator: 

  • Select the entity you are interested in
  • Select then the indicator you want to add
    The icon ? will give you more information on the indicator.
    The inwink indicators list is available here: Indicators list.
  • You can modify the order of indicators with drag and drop and delete it with the icon 

Personalize your indicators

In order to display numbers specific to your event on your dashboards, you need to:

  • Create a view to get a specific data
  • Once the view is created, on your grid, click on the icon  next to the view's name
  • Select the dashboard you want to pin the view on
  • Once the dashboard is selected, an indicator with the name of the view and the number of lines on it will be added to the bottom of your dashboard

Other specificities

You can now share dashboards after creating them, so you can prepare them before sharing them with your whole team.

Registration and participation tracking is now clickable
They now take into account registrants, not participants as a whole (including partners, buyers, etc). This makes the data more reliable, especially for the attendance rate.

Registration and participation tracking distinguishes between online and on-site participation - a key element for the hybrid.

CSM advice:
If your event is on several day, it can be interesting to have a daily following of KPI, especially the presence on site.
To do so, from your participants grid, by clicking on the icon , go on the tab Personalized.
Activate the option On site presence on ON and fill in the day of the event and the start and end hour.
Create a view with this filter and pin it to your dashboard by following steps below.