In this article, we will give you our recommendations to prevent your emails from arriving in the spam of your contacts.
- Enter an email in the "Reply email" field: Some anti-spam software sends an email by return asking to confirm that the person who sent the email is not a robot, and a reply email will allow you to unblock the email in this case.
- Enter a first name in the "Sender's email" field
- Avoid certain words in the email and in the subject line such as "Congratulations", "Free", "Investment", "Turnover", "Urgent", "Test", "Check", "Traffic", "Increase" etc.
- Avoid certain words in the email address, like "info", "contact", "noreply" etc. Prefer "registration@..." or "event@..."
- Do not note the accents of the words (é, è, ê, ö, ù...) in the sending addresses of the email sender (noé will become
- Do not start with "RE" in the subject line of your email.
- Do not write the subject of your email in capital letters
- Do not put too many exclamation marks or capital letters in the subject line
- Respect a moderate sending frequency
You can test your emails on the following sites: Mail Tester and MailGenius