General information

In the menu My event > General information, you can edit your event main information:


General information 

  • Name of the event: the event name will be identified by search engines for SEO.
  • Description of the event: the event description will be identified by search engines for SEO.
  • Hours display options
    This option allows you to choose the display mode of the dates and times on the event. We have 3 modes:
    • Display hours and dates in the timezone of the event
    • Display hours and dates in the same timezone as the user
    • Display hours and dates with the timezone of the event (example: 8:00 am GMT+2)
  • Social Media and Search Engine Thumbnail: the illustration of your event, which will be displayed when your event website is shared on social media / referenced on search engines. The picture should be 1200px-wide and 630px-high.
  • Start date and end date: these dates define when your event starts and when it ends. Program and sessions are linked to these dates.

If you can't change the date of your event, start by shifting the end date, then change the start date.

  • Time zone: website will display event agenda and sessions accordingly to your visitors and registrants time zone
  • Event tiny URL: by default, your event will be hosted on the URL
    To use a personalized domain name, click here.


Event location

🔍Enter here your event location information here. 

This will help improve the overall referencing of your event website and/or display an access map more easily in search engines.


Select one or more available languages for your event website.

You can only select the languages defined in the audience configuration.

If the browser's user is displayed in one of these languages, the website will be displayed in the same language.

If the browser's user is displayed in a different language, the website will be displayed in the default language.