
The Companies tab contains all the domain names of the email addresses of the people who are registered for the audience's events and communities (i.e. the contacts) as well as all the partners of the audience's events.

In this view, you will find the domain names of the contacts' email addresses as well as the partners of the different events of your audience


You will find here the field "is partner" which allows you to see all the partners that you have entered in my events backoffices. In "is partner" we will find the events in which the company is partner

If you enter a company > contacts tab, you will find all the contacts that are linked to this company. When you enter a contact, in an event back-office, with the domain name of a company, it is automatically found in the company of the customer back-office.

You can edit the name of your company and modify it in the tab Audience > Audience you want to edit > company > edit the desired company > details

You can also add domain names in a company so that the email addresses of the contacts go back to a specific company :


If there are duplicates, i.e. companies written in several different ways, you have the possibility to merge them so that there is only one company left.