Creating a price, a discount code, add a ticket office, generate tickets, create invitations for your partners, etc.
1. Creating a price
A price corresponds to a ticket that a participant buys to come to the event.
To create a BtoC price, linked to the purchase of a single usage billet, go here:
2. Associate a discount code
A discount code can be applied to the purchase of a single-use ticket.
The method for creating a discount code is detailed in this article:
3. Add the ticketing service to your site
The ticketing service has a default currency, and options such as product quotas and availability dates are associated with it. A single usage billet form must be validated. To add the ticketing service, click here :
Customize your ticketing service
4. Generate a ticket, identify the tickets generated
There are several ways to generate a ticket, and it is possible to link tickets to a partner. For tracking purposes, there is a dedicated view of tickets generated in the back office. To find out more about the different ways of generating a ticket, see this article :
5. Configuring partner invitations
A partner who has been allocated tickets can invite participants, distribute tickets and personalize messages. To prepare the tickets page for the partner, click here :
Partner invitation with single usage billet