Anonymizing personal data and deleting contacts

Identify personal data. Anonymize personal data. Delete a contact.



In brief :

✍️The anonymization process aims to eliminate any possibility of re-identifying a contact, while allowing the remaining data to be used for analysis purposes.

✍️The delete action deletes all contact data. 

✍️Both actions are irreversible. 

  • By default, contact anonymization concerns :
    • Members, associated participants (last name, first name, email + default text fields)
    • Business meeting titles associated with participants in all events
    • Partner invitations associated with participants (Surname, first name, email)
    • Discount codes (Name, email)
    • Tickets (Last name, first name, email)
    • Survey responses (fields marked as personal data)
  • Contacts can be anonymized or deleted en masse


Identify personal data : 

Default anonymized data :

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Registered company
  • Position
  • Phone
  • Preferred language
  • Modified by  

In addition to the default anonymized data, you can choose which other fields should be anonymized, as they may also contain personal data. 

When fields in the Contact, Participant, Member, Business Meeting, Partner Invitations and Survey Answers entities are created or modified, they can be identified as containing personal data via the field editing mode. 


When and why should a contact's personal data be anonymized or deleted? 

As soon as a contact requests the deletion of his or her data within the framework of the right to be forgotten, it becomes necessary to proceed with the anonymization or deletion of this contact's personal data.

To find out more about the anonymization of personal data and the legal framework surrounding it, please consult the CNIL website. 

How do I anonymize a contact's personal data?

Anonymization is performed from the site audience, by selecting the contact(s) to be anonymized.

Once the line has been selected, click on the recycle garbage can to start the procedure:

A warning window opens:  

When you click on "Confirm", a second window appears asking you to enter the word "CONFIRM" to activate the button:

When you click on the button, an initial notification appears, indicating that the anonymization procedure is underway:

A second notification indicates that the procedure is complete:

The grid always displays the contact line until you refresh or change the view. 

If you consult the file, you'll see that all personal data has been deleted, and all that remains in the database is information for analysis purposes, unrelated to the contact. The file can no longer be edited. 

On refresh, only the anonymized line remains:



Delete contact

It is possible to select complete contact deletion by activating the corresponding mode (OFF > ON).

The window text is adapted to indicate that you have entered deletion mode.

In the same way as for anonymization, the word "CONFIRM" must be entered to activate the button and finalize the deletion.

Deletion is immediate and visible on refresh.

❗Please note that anonymization and deletion of personal data are irreversible. 

It is the responsibility of the audience site administrator to ensure that he has chosen the right mode and that the contacts to be anonymized are the right ones.



Field summary and anonymization report

A summary, in Excel format, of the fields containing personal data can be downloaded from the audience (DATA), sites, events and community by going to configuration (General information).

A report of anonymized entities can be downloaded from a new action (Additional actions) in the contact grid.